Ad Products / Video

Instream Video

View specifications


Engage audiences with Instream Video ads before CarExpert’s automotive video reviews.

Instream Video ads are short, pre-roll advertisements that appear before CarExpert’s embedded video reviews. This format ensures your brand message reaches users in a highly relevant, focused environment, where they are already engaged with in-depth car content, driving higher awareness and consideration for your product.

Ad Specifications

CarExpert Hosted Video

MP4 (h.264) or MOV

Video Dimensions
4:3 - 640 x 480px
19:9 - 1024 x 576px

Minimum Bitrate
10 Mbps

Max File Size
250 MB

Maximum Duration
6/15/30 seconds

Character Limit



Third party tracking available for Impressions and Clicks


6' & 15" - Non-Skippable
30" - Skippable

Third Party Hosted Video

Secure (https) approved third party VAST 2.0 or 3.0 URL
H.264 (MP4), FlashVideo(FLV), and WebMvideo file types must all be included

For all assets three different bit rates need to be included (progressive only)
300 kbps
700 kbps
1000 kbps

VAST ads must not include skippable or other advanced functionality. Multiple bit rate MP4 video files are required in the VAST tag as CarExpert video players serve content based on a user’s connection speed. This allows users to receive the best quality video for their connection without the video buffering unnecessarily.

Lead Time

5 business days prior to campaign live date


CarExpert Hosted Video
1 x Video Asset
1 x Impression Tracker
1 x Click Tracker

Third-party hosted Video
1 x VAST 2.0 or 3.0 URL

Max File Size

250Mb for CarExpert hosted videos


Mobile and Desktop

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