Ad Products / Native

ScrollX Native

View specifications


Amplify your product across the CarExpert mobile environment.

A full page ad placement built within CarExpert's native ScrollX format. Advertiser has the option to use a gallery or house a short-form video review. CarExpert will use video assets where possible

Ad Specifications

Character Limit



- CarExpert will manage Native ScrollX production
- CarExpert will host and serve the creative
- The format is designed to house CarExpert Review content only
‍-The Native ScrollX unit can only be served in CarExpert's native format


- CarExpert will build based on desired review
- CarExpert will supply quotes from the review
- CarExpert will use shortform video assets if available
- CarExpert will fall back to a gallery if no video assets available

Read Review Tracker

Read the Review click through must redirect back to relevant content on CarExpert

Lead Time

10 business days prior to campaign live date


3 x CTA Labels (13 characters max)

1 x Impression trackers
3 x Click trackers for Advertiser CTAs
1 x Click Tracker for Read Review CTA


Mobile only

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