Ad Products / Native

Homepage Feature Banner

View specifications


Showcase your brand with CarExpert’s prominent Homepage Feature Banner.

The Homepage Feature Banner is a high-visibility slider available to Segment Sponsors and Homepage Buyout advertisers. This premium placement ensures maximum exposure for your brand, rotating featured content on CarExpert’s homepage. Ideal for capturing attention and driving engagement right from the user’s first interaction with the site.

Ad Specifications

Character Limit

Headline: 25 characters
By-line: 25 characters


- Available to Segment Sponsors and Homepage Buyout advertisers
- Featured Banner on Homepage

Desktop (3000 x 900px)
Creative will render on desktop. On desktop it is advised to place the vehicle off-centre to left or right. This is to avoid the Compare Offers overlay covering the vehicle

Mobile (1500 x 900px)
Creative will render on mobile. On mobile it is advised to centre the vehicle. This will ensure the vehicle is visible across mobile devices

Lead Time

5 business days prior to campaign live date


1 x Headline (25 characters max)
1 x Description (25 characters max)

1 x Desktop banner image (3000 x 900px)
1 x Mobile banner image (1500 x 900px)

Trackers for each landing page
1 x Impression tracker
1 x Click Tracker for Advertiser CTA


Mobile and desktop


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