Ad Products / Native

Content Strap

View specifications


Engage users with the Content Strap on CarExpert’s homepage.

The Content Strap is a homepage placement available to Segment Sponsors and Homepage Buyout advertisers. It features three article cards linking to relevant CarExpert content and one custom card directing users to the advertiser’s website. This blend of editorial and promotional content ensures a seamless, engaging user experience while driving traffic to your site.

Ad Specifications

Character Limit

Headline: 25 characters
By-line: 35 characters
Advertiser CTA: 20 characters


Available to Segment Sponsors and Homepage Buyout advertisers

Card Types

3 x Article Card: Directs users to relevant content CarExpert
1 x Custom Card: Directs users to the Advertisers website


Content Strap background - 3000 x 900px (JPEG)
Custom Card - 309 x 377px (JPEG)

Lead Time

5 business days prior to campaign live date


Per activation
1 x Image for Content Strap background
1 x Impression tracker

Custom Card Copy
1 x Headline (25 characters max)
1 x By-line (35 characters max)
1 x Advertiser CTA Label (20 characters max)

Custom Card Trackers
1 x Click tracker for CTA

Custom Card Images
1 x Mobile
1 x Desktop

Trackers for each Article Card
1 x Click tracker for Article Card (CarExpert supplied landing pages


Mobile and desktop


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